Bushido Karate Dojo and Fitness Center: 966 Meadow Rd. Casco, ME Jun 13, 2016 207-627-7170 http://bkdfitness.com/ Category:Physical/Emotional Wellness All CategoriesAbuse and AssaultChildren and FamiliesConnectedness to Recovery CommunityCounseling AgenciesCrisis and EmergenciesEmploymentFinancial AssistanceFood PantryHealth CareHousingLegal ServicesNational and State Hotline/800 NumbersPeer Support GroupsPhysical/Emotional WellnessSheltersSubstance Abuse ServicesTransportationVeteran's Services GoReset National Domestic Violence Hotline National Runaway Switchboard National Suicide Prevention Hotline New Beginnings New Hope for Women in Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and Waldo Counties: P.O. Box A, Rockland, ME 04841-0733 New Ventures Maine, formerly “Women, Work and Community” Next Step, Hancock & Washington Counties Northern New England Poison Center Norway First Universalist Church: 479 Main Street, Norway, ME Office of Elder Services Oxford Oxford County Crisis Response Oxford County Mental Health: 17 Gary St. So. Paris, ME Oxford Helping Hands Food Pantry: 85 Pleasant St. Oxford, ME Oxford Hills Food Pantry: 16 Green Street, Christ Episcopal Church, Norway, ME Oxford Hills Internal Medicine: 8 Pikes Hill, Norway, ME PACE Ambulance: Main St. Norway, ME Penobscot Personal Best:141 Western Ave South Paris, ME Phoenix House PreviousNext